Montgomery Car Accident Lawyer
Motor vehicle accidents, despite their name, are generally never really “accidental” at all. In fact, the term “accident” implies that no one is to blame for the incident --- which is generally very far from the truth as a majority of most collisions are caused by driver negligence. Car accidents in Montgomery are no exception to this rule. If you have been injured or someone close to you has been tragically killed in a car accident here in Alabama and you believe that driver negligence played a key role in this incident then do not hesitate to seek the service of an experienced Montgomery car accident lawyer today. Having the aid of a veteran attorney who specializes in these case types can make a significant difference in the compensation you may be entitled to.
Accident Trends
Alabama as a whole is about on par with the national average for car accidents for a given population density. Data collected by the Alabama Department of Traffic Safety indicated that for 2007:
• 9,175 Car Accidents Occurred
• 2.379 People were Injured in Car Accidents
• 32 People Lost their Lives in Fatal Car Accidents
This data illustrates just how common vehicle collisions are in Montgomery. For the same calendar year, one car accident occurred every hour with 6 people suffering a personal injury each day. Fatal car accidents took place about three times each month.
Accident Causation
When pursuing a personal injury claim for an injury sustained in a motor vehicle accident, negligence needs to be shown as a contributing factor to the incident. Negligence can be summed up as an action or inaction that a person takes that they can be held liable for because it falls short of the accepted standard of what a responsible person would or would not do in a given situation. Examples of driver negligence that contribute to Montgomery car accidents are:
• Speeding
• Distracted Driving
• Drunk Driving
• Failing to Yield
• Ignoring Posted Signage
• Fatigued Driving
Of the total number of car accidents that took place in Alabama in 2008, drivers who failed to yield the right of way caused the most accidents (14.5%) with drivers not in control of their vehicles a close 2nd (13.9%).
Seek Representation
If you or someone close to you has been involved in a car accident that you believe was caused by another driver’s negligence, then consult with an experienced Montgomery car collision lawyer today. Do not disclose any information to the other party’s insurance provider until you have obtained legal counsel of your own first as this can greatly reduce (or eliminate completely) the amount of compensation you may be entitled to for your injury or loss.
If you have been injured, get help from a legal professional in Huntsville today.